This past weekend, we had the honor and privilege of being one of 4 vendors invited to the LC King Heritage Popup Shop during the Bristol Rhythm and Roots Music Festival. LC King asked Patrick Muncey of The Fouled Anchor in Johnson City, TN (30 minutes away) to curate this shop and he did a killer job! It was great to finally meet Patrick, as they've quickly become one of our favorite retailers. He even got a few products in advance of their release at the end of the show.
For those who don't know, LC King is a fourth generation owned family business, producing quality workwear both under their own brand name, Pointer Brand, and for another businesses for over 100 years. Their factory is a beautiful old brick building full of history, beautiful old machines, and tons of amazing clothing, both old and new. At their peak, they employed over 300 seamsters and seamstresses, back when Macy's and JC Penny's were still buying clothes made in America. These days, they employ somewhere around 30 people on the production floor, but don't be fooled, they're still doing big things! Not only is their personal brand making a comeback, but they're guiding forth a new generation of makers and designers who believe in Made in America clothing and goods. What better way than to partner with a company with over 100 years in experience, and who knows how many more between all of their employees??
Over the course of the three day event, we had the chance to tour and explore the factory. I snuck away from my booth a few times to check it out. Below are a few shots I took on one of my many walkthroughs. This place is heaven! We can't wait to get back up. Special thanks to Chris Stewart and Jack King for their welcoming and warm hospitality, and thanks for our chore coats! We've put them to good use already.
Cutting Room
Bar Tack Machines in the 3rd Sewing and Sample Room
Sample fabric rolls and patterns in the cutting room.
One of the many beautiful old industrial machinesJeans waiting to be finished
Equipment repair room
Part of our Display at the Heritage Pop Up Shop
View from our spot in the pop-up. This space quickly became a respite for weary festival-goers throughout the day, with plenty of comfy leather chairs and a couch to catch a quick break. The atmosphere was just so warm and inviting throughout the whole weekend! Thanks again to Patrick at The Fouled Anchor and Chris at LC King for having us out! Can't wait for next year!